Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes

Tonight--- life. I have come to the conclusion that this summer, wasn't a summer at all. It's not hot, sticky, smelly, and boring.

I think I've been kidnapped and taken to the stars for a little bit. Chilling on the tops of clouds... listening to the good ol'Beatles, chatting with my friends in NY and Chi-town from afar, learning about amazing missions to the stars and here on the good earth, going out with the gals and shopping for photo-shoots, buying aviator sunglasses, and eating ice cream-- all while throwing fears and worries aside and jumping off of the high dive again and again.

I'm pleased to say that the database has come a long way and is on it's last stage of development as well and workplace life is great as usual. I've made many an ally here at NASA and can't wait to check in and see what they're up to in a few months.

NASA's people all inspire me in different ways; from our project specialist and her incredible tales of the real pioneers- women in STEM, to our all star 'solar system' teacher/chaperone (who also manages to rock a champion attitude at all times), to our students-- who CREATE and PRODUCE and PERFORM like it's nobody's business, to my co-workers in our office (PhDs) who are brillient and have an incredibly enriched understanding of the world and can describe to me what it's like from an entirely new lens. Everybody here, is part of an eco-system that functions on a really high level but at the same time, everyone is smiling and really enjoying what they do. Let me tell you, not only is the attitude contagious and inspiring, but it makes my work with the database worth doing, and gives me encouragement to finish what I've started.

I am again, really blessed and really happy to be taking these million dollar steps in each and every million dollar moment (especially while I'm on base) and I hope that in the future I can explore other NASA centers and careers.

Other than that, my only complaints are of the food (or lack there of) and it's spotty nutritional value and the longing for my family and HUGS. HUGS are not as natural here for some reason... they just don't fly with the professional persona and engineering personality. For all those who remember how I used to not be a huggy person... well ya. That's out the window now and I do recognize how important a part that is... especially with the fam and the friends. So E-HUGS for everyone at home and out there in NY, LA, Northwestern, Chicago or wherever else you may be.

-Girl With Kelidescope Eyes


  1. That's kinda funny- I really miss hugs too. I'm so glad you are having a great time, and i'll give you a big hug when I get back :)

  2. I think you're getting what I'm missing, though I know EXACTLY what you're talking about as far as what a true summer should feel like. Just that feeling that everything's okay, you're on the top of the world, and that the fun is never going to end!

  3. Yuppers. For sure Molly and Mallory. It is like being on top of the world, but then again, it's also like being on a SUPER long Vacation in a twilighty type zone. Very neat indeed. Good luck to you both on your projects!
