Sunday, June 27, 2010

City On Our Knees

Yesterday was AWESOME! The NASA Inspire bunch along with our collegiate Lercip friends went to Cedar Point and went on EVERY ride (I'm sure) and had the time of our lives. It was just flat out amazing. I finally conquered Millennium Force... for all those of you who remember our 8th grade escapade we weren't all quite as brave. For some in our INSPIRE group, these were the first coasters for them to ever go on. The day ended with a meal at a very family Italian restaurant which brought back family memories. We all had a great bunch of laughs on the car ride back at midnight.

While the day was excellent, I truly appreciated the time our group had to bond.

I can't say this enough, but living around such bright and motivated students is a truly INSPIRING thing. Right now, I am taking a quick break from my ACT studying and I know I wouldn't be studying if I were at home right now... but being here has put a lot into perspective.

Overall, the weather is beautiful here... haven't really had any showers (sorry Chicago folks). The pace is fast but different... I kind of like that though and wouldn't mind staying right here for the next few years.

Missing Friends and Family but loving NASA,

P.S- People wanted to see my excellent co-workers AT NASA here it is.

From left to right we have...LEON, Ralph, and Ron
MORE TO COME on this hilarious but brilliant bunch.

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