So I finished my meeting... happy it's over, but I have another in about 2 weeks. Everyone was super nice and very eager to present input. I will be drafting this data-base in no time!
Both Ms. Brown-Houston and Ms. Shores came for the meeting which was awesome and Leon came too, and stayed the whole time! This meeting wasn't even for his division---He just came for moral support! He needs a gift card or at the very least a thank you card...
I got some great feedback from him afterwards too. He said I did a great job and one of the members there suggested that I skip my last year at high school, skip college, and get a contract with NASA so that if they need help naviagating or updating the database in the future--I would be able to help them. Haha. Ms. Tenteris was also pleased with the presentation and sent over information shortly after the meeting. YES!
On an entirely different note, I had a really deep conversation about life with one of my fellow interns today at lunch (those have been hard to come by lately). He's had a pretty complicated life situation from deaths in the family to moving from a different country, skipping school for 2 years to help work, living amoungst 8 children, learning an entirely new language, and getting to where he is now. It is really incredible how far he has come in his short, 20 year lifetime (so far). He's still got a whole life ahead of him to live and he will, no doubt, change the world. It was great getting a new perspective and a wonderfully inspiring story from this young man. Hence, NASA's INSPIRE group. But one of the things that I can really relate to in his story is the part about getting to this place... where I'm typing right now-NASA. And for some, their NASA may be a state soccer team, or a national hockey championship. For others it may be earning their PhD. For others it consists of working on healing people every day of their lives and for others yet it is the vision of bringing justice to the human race.
But I know that, at least in my life, my dream was half my work and half the work of God. I'm so blessed to have all of the people around me at work and outside of work, all of the support from my administrators and teachers, and of course my friends and family-- who I am forever endebted to for what they've taught me.
Now, if you are reading this and are like "She's databasing. How come she's so excited about that?" It's not just the databasing around here. It's the meetings, and the connections with AMAZING people, and the conversations with the engineers, and the shadowing in labs, and the presentations and everything. It's about a lot more than a database... and I couldn't be more stoked about anything if I tried.
On my off time during work, I do some ACT prep stuff here and there and I learn about aircraft from the SR-71 which can go 85,000ft in the air... in the STRATOSPHERE and one can see the curve of the Earth outside their window to what a STRATOSPHERE even is. One of my fellow interns is trying to teach me a little basic computer programming stuff too.
This weekend on our OFF--off work hours we will be going to Cedar Point... whoot whoot and hopefully we'll plan some NERF gun wars in between as well as a few quality movie nights.
For all those who are reading this INCREDIBLY long post and are looking for some drama, I am pleased to say I've got NOTHIN' for ya. Things around here are G rated and as clean as a whistle. I think just by living around these brillient kids my intelligence has gone up a few points. But, for all of those who know me well, I do perform best when in a G-rated enviornment and I can honestly say my view of the world right now is clouded with uniorns and rainbows figuratively speaking, but life is good here and people all seem to be moving in the same direction-FORWARD.
That's all for now,
Girl On The Rise
P.S.- I'll put some pictures on of my co-workers soon!For now, here is the 21st century video that all of us saw on our first Friday at the offices of NASA.
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